Born in a simple family, a mixture of considerate dad and firm-loving mom, that's me. I am just an ordinary people with a little achievement on my education. The achievement is always number one ranking on my class for 6 years in Elementary School, Dokter Kecil; the ambassador of Education n Culture Ministry for student health program in my Elementary School since the 5th class, Pratama; the leader of Penggalang, Scout Movement, the top score holder of National Final Exam, the Big 2 Ranking in Madrasah Diniyah Awaliyah, the Best "Juara Umum II" with Mathematics highscore and Secretary II of OSIS in Junior High School, the highest score holder of all Automotive class in Vocational High School, Pradana; the leader of Penegak Ambalan Sunan Kalijaga; in Scout Movement of SMKN 1 Karawang and the Big 5 Graduate of English course in London English Institute and so on. Besides that, I took Informatics in STMIK ROSMA and graduated on 2008 with GPA 3.25. Alhamdulillah... I hope the mentioned above bring inspiration and motivation to all the reader to do more valuable and useful anything for your life and the around. 

My friends call me by Amo or Antho. Now, I am the "learningmate" for Computer and Network Engineering student in my former Vocational High School, SMK Negeri 1 Karawang. I also teach Mathematics in SMK Bina Karya 2 Karawang. Thanks to Alloh because of given me a very loved life companion; my wife; Rd. Dewi Noviyanti, also thanks to whole of my friends and anyone who has given me the color of life in anytime and anywhere; my best classmate, my 1st close friend, my inspiration teacher, my powerfull teacher; my best rank-competitor, the best classmate, the best teacher, the best hidden-competitor, my best friends, my best colleague, my best ever close friend; Agus Sumardi, Siti Nurhasanah, Mrs. Tati Sumiati, Mrs. Ani Kustini, Mr. Nursaepudin, Dedi Supriadi, Ustad Pipin Abdul Apip, Widya Eka Oktaviani, Awon Supriatna, Mrs. Endang Tri SP, Mrs. Ratna Fauziah, Agung Nugraha, Ika Karlina, Sarya Sutisna, Endin Rosidin, Marwan Faturahman, Isep Machpudin, Yeyen Subhiyeni, Dewi Sulastri, Mr. Zaenal,  Mr. Azis Muslim, Vina Nurasri Rahayu, Silvia Herawati, Kang "Adur", Evi Sukaesih, Vindy BN, Maytia Happy N, Yopi Yuhendera Pradana, Amelia, Ade Putri Resmina Syarif, Annes Anggara, Mrs. Winarni, Yunita Rahmayani, Ela Laela, Safety Maghfiroh, Rina Afriani, Fitria Yulianti and whoever still keep in touch with me, sharing and support me.